Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Attorneys Empowering Military Families

Finding Accountability After Decades of Toxic Exposure

Nestled in Onslow County, North Carolina, Camp Lejeune has served as a haven for innumerable service members, spouses and children since its establishment in 1942. But beneath this semblance of normalcy, an unsettling trend has emerged over time. Alarmingly high occurrences of varied diseases, cancer diagnoses, and unexplained deaths have cast a long, dark shadow over the Marine Corps base.

The 1980s brought a grim revelation. Routine environmental testing disclosed that the base’s water had been severely contaminated for decades. The toxic legacy was a wave of harmful chemicals, surreptitiously tainting the base’s water supply.

In the subsequent years, the full, horrifying impact of this environmental disaster began to unfurl. The victims of this silent poisoning were not only veterans and active-duty personnel. Their spouses and children bore the brunt of the chemical exposure, with the devastating effects extending even to unborn children in utero.

Today, substantial scientific findings corroborate the fears of the past. Chronic exposure to these contaminants is closely tied to an escalated incidence of cancer and harm to unborn children. Marines and their loved ones were gripped by severe ailments, premature deaths, and life-altering diagnoses, all tracing back to the poisoned water they relied upon.

In a move towards redress, in 2022, Congress passed a bill that opened the door of the courtroom to these wounded service members and their families. This marked a significant step toward obtaining justice for the long-standing injuries inflicted by their trust in a place they called home.

Camp Lejeune Attorneys Use the Power of the Law as a Driving Force for Change

At Watts Law Firm LLP, we don’t just see you as a case, but as a person holding a pivotal role in our mission – to advocate on behalf of our clients and drive transformative change. We recognize the immense strain you carry, including the physical, emotional, and financial effects of this toxic exposure. 

The tragedies faced by military families at Camp Lejeune – the illnesses, the cancers, the lives lost – leave scars that may never fully heal. The passage of the new law by Congress offering the right to file individual lawsuits is a positive step, yet it only provides a small measure of remedy. It cannot restore the lives lost or reverse the damage caused by illnesses. However, in harnessing this power of law, we have a tool to assert your rights, to challenge negligence, and to demand accountability. 

Recognizing the unique intricacies of each case, we approach your situation with a distinctive strategy. Unlike the typical toxic exposure cases that often culminate in class actions with minimal compensation, we file individual claims that are specific to each client’s personal damages. Your compensation will be tailored to your unique damages if we secure a victory for you or your deceased family member.

We understand that litigation might seem daunting to those impacted by this tragedy. However, remember that your lawsuit serves a dual purpose. It’s not only a vehicle for securing the financial resources necessary for your medical expenses, but it’s also a beacon of light to illuminate such a serious issue. By standing up and demanding justice, you’re not only advocating for yourself and your family, but also safeguarding current and future service members from enduring a similar ordeal.

Our law firm is more than a legal entity; we’re a catalyst for change. We channel the power of the law, turning it into a formidable tool to amplify voices and confront negligent entities. We’re committed to ensuring just compensation for those affected by the Camp Lejeune water contamination. Boasting resources, talent, technology, and tenacity, we champion your cause and stand by your side, every step of the way.

The Camp Lejeune attorneys at Watts Law Firm LLP are a compassionate, approachable team, fueled by passion and fearlessness, championing a winning mindset. Mikal C. Watts and his team of mass tort lawyers have fought and won substantial recoveries for other environmental torts and pesticide lawsuits.

We stand at the ready, poised to wield our power and resources in your defense. With time counting down to the lawsuit filing deadline, we urge all who are eligible to reach out and take the initial step towards justice by joining our Camp Lejeune lawsuit attorneys in their advocacy for marines and military families. Our lawsuit is more than a legal proceeding; it’s a testament to the resilience and fortitude of those who have suffered, a chance to rewrite their narratives from victims to victors, using the power of law as our driving force.

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Empower Your Camp Lejeune Claim

FAQs Answered by Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Lawyers

Who can make a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim or file a Camp Lejeune cancer lawsuit?

Anyone exposed to water at Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, can file a claim for injuries sustained by such exposure. This includes veterans, their families, contractors, and others, including children exposed to toxic water in utero. To be eligible to receive compensation, you must meet those criteria and file your lawsuit against the federal government by August 8, 2024.

What does it cost to file a Camp Lejeune lawsuit?

We will represent all qualified persons who suffered from illnesses or deaths caused by exposure to toxic water at Camp Lejeune on a contingency basis. This means you will never pay any attorney fees unless we win compensation in your case. To access your free, no-obligation consultation, use the online form feature on this site. One of our team members handling the Camp Lejeune Legal claims for cancer or severe illness will contact you to answer any of your questions.

Who was affected by Camp Lejeune water contamination?

Not all the water at Camp Lejeune caused cancer. Persons living and working in areas serviced by two of the main water distribution systems, Hadnot Point and Tarawa Terrace, were exposed to toxic chemicals and carcinogens in their drinking and bathing water. Areas serviced by contaminated water at Camp Lejeune included barracks, family housing (both permanent and temporary), daycares, schools, and numerous workplaces. Anyone who lived or worked in areas serviced by these water distribution systems for at least 30 days may have been affected by toxicants in the water at Camp Lejeune.

Which illnesses are linked to exposure to the toxic Camp Lejeune water?

The list of illnesses and cancers likely caused by exposure to the toxic water at Camp Lejeune is very long and still being researched and developed. People exposed to the contaminated water have been diagnosed with the following illnesses when were on base for at least 30 days between 1953 and 1987: 

  1. Bladder Cancer
  2. Kidney Cancer
  3. Liver Cancer
  4. Adult Leukemia
  5. Childhood Leukemia
  6. Multiple Myeloma
  7. Parkinson’s Disease
  8. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
  9. Cardiac Defects
  10. Other Kidney Diseases/End Stage Renal Disease (Dialysis)
  11. Aplastic Anemia and Myelodysplastic Syndromes
  12. Systemic Sclerosis/Scleroderma
  13. Neural Tube Defects
  14. Male Breast Cancer
  15. Brain Cancer
  16. Pancreatic Cancer
  17. Soft tissue sarcoma
  18. Rectal Cancer
  19. Lung Cancer  
  20. Esophageal Cancer
  21. ALS(Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
  22. Female Breast Cancer
  23. Cervical Cancer
  24. Stillbirth/Miscarriage
  25. Oral Cleft(s)

Can I qualify if I am already receiving medical benefits or compensation from the V.A. for Camp Lejeune water?

Yes, but any award received through this lawsuit for your illnesses may be reduced by any benefits you’ve already received from the VA in relation to these same illnesses.

Aren’t most toxic exposure lawsuits just class action lawsuits where the plaintiff receives very little money?

This case diverges from the typical class action toxic exposure lawsuits, given that Congress has established a new federal right specifically for individuals affected by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune. If you satisfy the exposure criteria and have a diagnosed qualifying illness, choosing to partner with us means we will represent you in an individual lawsuit in the federal district court, as mandated by law. This ensures your case will be individually addressed by a Camp Lejeune attorney, with potential compensation reflective of your unique damages, should we secure a victory for you or your loved one who has passed away.

How much time do I have to file a Camp Lejeune cancer or pesticide lawsuit?

Under the terms of the law giving you the right to sue the federal government, you will have until August 10, 2024, or 180 days from the time the VA denies your claim for disability benefits, whichever is longer.

Which chemicals led to Camp Lejeune cancer lawsuits?

Approximately seventy harmful chemicals were detected at unsafe levels at Camp Lejeune, including various carcinogens, benzene, PCE (perchloroethylene), and TCE (trichloroethylene), which were detected at levels 340 – 2,400 times the safe exposure levels for humans.

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Empower Your Camp Lejeune Claim

Who qualifies to file a lawsuit?

Any person who lived or worked on Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, and was exposed to the contaminated water sources at home, work, daycare, or school may be eligible to file a Camp Lejeune water claim for cancer.

Can I file a Camp Lejeune water lawsuit on behalf of a loved one?

If the person suffering an illness is alive and legally competent, that person will complete the required documentation. The lawsuit will be filed in that person’s name. However, if your loved one is incapacitated (i.e., not legally able to make decisions), then their legal representative may sign up with us on behalf of that person. Finally, if the person exposed to toxic water at Camp Lejeune has passed away from their illness, then a family member or family members, or other legal representatives, may be eligible to file a claim.

I do not want to get involved with a Camp Lejeune lawsuit – is that the only way? 

Undoubtedly, embarking on a toxic exposure or pesitcide lawsuit is a step many of us would rather not take. However, when you or a loved one face a serious illness due to toxic exposure, the ensuing medical costs can be overwhelming. Surgeries, treatments, hospital stays, long-term care, and additional expenses could threaten your family’s financial stability. With healthcare costs continually escalating, forecasting the funds needed to manage these medical bills can seem daunting. 

While no monetary amount can entirely rectify the harm caused by toxin exposure, a lawsuit can empower you with financial security and shine a spotlight on the broader issue at hand. More importantly, it sends a strong message to negligent entities, prompting them to rectify their practices and prevent such disastrous incidents from recurring in the future. Moreover, your participation in this lawsuit can act as a protective shield for other military families, playing an instrumental role in fostering safer living environments for our brave servicemen and women and their loved ones.

Disclaimer: This page is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.
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Mikal Watts

Written on behalf of Mikal Watts, and reviewed by Watts Law Firm LLP

Mikal C. Watts is Board-Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and is a Martindale-Hubbel AV Rated Lawyer.